"prayer is the act of communicating with God" That is how my teacher defined prayer back in my junior secondary days.
Many religoius organisations and churches today seems to have contrary opinion to this definition.
"Die by fire". we are familiar with this prayer topic
Let's make the following assertion, to determine if actually this is naturally the best prayer to make.
The great commission given by our lord Jesus Christ mandated christians to go into the world and share the good news (the love of God for the world). the primary aim of this commission is to rescue souls for God.
If my prayer everyday is "die by fire" (and assuming God actually answers this prayers). Assuming in a year i have said similar prayers for about 165 times and God answers all of them. This means that after a year , I have succeeded in sending about 165 people (enemies) to HELL and this is just one person, now imagine a church with over 700 members praying similar topic. At the end of the day some so called christians will have succeeded in actually campaigning for satan, increasing souls in hell and reducing heaven.
When was the last time you told anybody about christ, can you compare it with the number of times you've killed by fire.

If i am saved i think it is wise i try also to save others rather than send to hell.
Most Christians even confess that "there will be more souls in hell than heaven, isn't that ridiculous
I heard someone said this once and i ask him, If there is just one battle on earth (battle for souls) betweeen the accuser and God almighty and at the end of the day the devil actually gets more soul than God, who is wining and who is losing?, i leave that for you to answer.
I hope someone reading this actually understands that you were saved to save others,
Help God today, win souls for him and stop sending them to hell. God bless you
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